Duration: 3 Days
Course Overview
People who work as trainers are often put into difficult situations without much understanding of what training is or how to do it well. We know that being a good trainer is the result of developing skills to bring information to an audience. This information will then engage, empower, and encourage continued learning and development. This three-day course will give you the skills that you need so that your students not only learn, but also enjoy the process, retain information shared, and use their new skills back in the workplace.
Whether you are presenting full courses or delivering short lectures this course will help you ensure that the students pay attention to and retain the information you present.
Topics covered inlclude:Recognize the importance of considering the participants and their training needs, including differing communication styles and adult learning principles.
Write objectives and evaluate whether these objectives have been met at the end of a training session.
Topics covered include:
Defining a successful training program/trainer
The key principles of adult learning and the learning process
Personal communication style assessment
Applying the learning cycle to the training process
Creating games and using visualisation techniques to increase retention
Setting the climate for learning
Developing key presentation skills
Dealing with difficult trainees
Evaluation techniques
How can I attend my course?
• Recognize the importance of considering the participants and their training needs, including differing communication styles and adult learning principles.
• Write objectives and evaluate whether these objectives have been met at the end of a training session.
• Develop an effective training style, using appropriate training aids and techniques.
• Design, develop and deliver an effective 15 minutes lesson on a topic of subject matter expertise:
• Create a simplified lesson plan/storyboard with audience-oriented objectives/questions
• Develop effective training material from & consistent with the lesson plan/storyboard
• Deliver and apply techniques that make use of proven principles of learning
• Provide and receive feedback on lesson material and delivery based on instructional checklists
Course Content
Defining a Successful Training Program
• What Does Successful Training Look like?
– Audiences and their expectations
– Identifying a need for training
– The benefits that training can bring
• What Makes a Successful Trainer?
– Characteristics of successful trainers
– Common training errors
– Avoiding common training errors
The Principles of Learning
• How Learners Acquire Skills
– The four stage process
– The Dreyfus model of skills acquisition
– Bloom’s taxonomy
– Principles of adult learning
• Applying the Learning Cycle
– Incorporating learning principles into the lesson material and delivery
– What type of trainer are you?
– Introverts and extroverts
– The Six-step training process
• Planning TrainingChoosing training methods
– Designing a Learning Sequence
– Designing a Lesson using a Lesson Plan Template
– Setting the training climate
Designing Effective Presentations
• Analysing Your Audience
– Who are you presenting to?
– What you need to know about your audience
– Personal communication styles and their impact on training design
– Using the Information Pyramid
• Using Games to Make Training Fun
– Getting attendees on Board
– Seeing the value of training games
– Choosing the Right Games
– Dealing with reluctant participants
• Making Training Stick
– Five strategies for stickiness
– Designing a program that will stick
– Teaching tips and tricks
– What method is the stickiest?
– Strategies for taking training further
Training Using Visualisation
• Increasing Retention Using Storytelling
– The elements of a powerful story
– Storyboarding techniques
– Bringing the story to life
– Tools and technologies
• Visualisation Strategies for Presenting InformationUsing infographics
– The key components of infographics
– Visualising data using charts and graphs
– Structuring topics using LATCH
Presentation Skills
• Communicating with Your Audience
– Storytelling
– Showing
– Non-verbal communication
– Telling stories with visuals
• Dealing with Difficult Issues
– Challenging trainees and how to deal with them
– Classroom emergencies
• Practicing Your Delivery
– Creating a positive impression
– Making eye contact
– Using your voice
– Using positive body language
– Managing stress
– Keeping on time
Delivering, Observing and Evaluating a Lesson
• Delivering a 15-minute lesson
– Lesson preparation
– Self preparation
– Delivering the lesson
– Observing a lesson
•Evaluating Your Success
– Setting the evaluation framework
– Kirkpatrick’s four-stage evaluation model
– The return on investment from training
– Presenting training results