Modern HR Training: Best Practices

Duration: 2 Days

How can I attend my course?

On-line from
your chosen location

At our dedicated
training facility

On-site at
your premises

Course Content

Strategic HR Management

• Aligning HR strategy with the business strategy
• HR resourcing strategy: home grown, or bought in talent?
• Line of sight between day job and strategic imperatives
• Strategy and cultural context

Employer Brand

• Glassdoor
• Social media
• What it’s really like to work here

Attraction & recruitment

• Selection processes
• Psychometric assessment, assessment centres
• Psych contract


• Psych contract… again
• Probationary periods
• First 100 days
• Strengths profile and SEPA tools

Goal setting

• SMART goals
• Monthly 1:1 review
• Interim appraisal
• End of year review

High Performance Culture

• Understanding motivation theory; Maslow’s Hierarchy
• Strengths-based working
• Rewarding the right behaviours
• Talent management

Employee Engagement

• Measuring engagement
• Counting the things that really matter
• Annual survey vs pulse surveys

Coaching & Mentoring

• Using coaching for high performance
• Mentoring for engagement
• Mentoring for knowledge management
• Strength’s coaching

Managing under performance, conduct and disciplinary issues

• The manager’s job: follow the process – it’s there to support you
• Evidence
• Importance of contemporaneous record keeping
• Dealing with emotional fallout

Career Paths

• The funnel: red line / blue line career paths
• Manage your own career
• Supporting new managers
• Technical expert trajectory

Leaving the Organisation

• Retirement: the path
• Redundancy: supported exit
• Leaving for career opportunities elsewhere: the alumni
• Leaving for underperformance – follow the process exactly

You will receive a full set of course notes
and all supporting materials for your course.

Hard Copy Delivered to your premises or Downloaded to a chosen device.

To book this course please call 
+44 (0) 1444 410296 or email