Public Speaking

Duration: 2 Days

Course Overview

This 2-Day course is suitable for any IT professionals who are interested in implementing Iterative Agile and Scrum methodologies to manage software development. This course is particularly suited to project managers, team leaders, developers and customers of software.

How can I attend my course?

On-line from
your chosen location

At our dedicated
training facility

On-site at
your premises


• Establish rapport with your audience
• Learn techniques to reduce nervousness and fear
• Understand your strengths as a presenter and how to appeal to different types of people
• Recognise how visual aids can create impact and attention
• Develop techniques to create a professional presence
• Learn some different ways to prepare and organise information
• Prepare, practice, and deliver a short presentation

Course Content


Key communication skills, including how to start and end a conversation.

Stop! Check Your Mouth! 

Characteristics that can make or break the audience’s impression of a speaker, including volume, clichés, slang, diction, jargon, and tact (or lack thereof).

What’s Your Type? How About Mine?

Personality type and what it means for them as a speaker.

Positive Self-Talk

Building self-confidence – a key skill for any public speaker.


Rapport and how it can help build relationships.

Maximizing the Most of Meetings

Ways to successfully prepare for and present at any meeting.

Body Language

Ensure you are sending the right message.

Sticky Situations

Tools to deal with uncomfortable situations.

I Can Just Send an E-mail, Right?

The value of oral presentations.

Overcoming Nervousness

Suggestions for handling nervousness.

The Five S’s

The five S’s of a good presentation: significance, scenario, solutions, sequelae, and suggestions.

Start Writing!

The nuts and bolts of creating a great presentation.

Audience Profile

The value of audience profiles.

Your Speaking Voice

Eight key parts of a presenter’s message.

Add Punch to Your Presentation

An overview of, and tips for using the most common visuals.

Your Presentation

Prepare and present a short presentation with evaluation and constructive feedback.

Workshop Wrap-Up

At the end of the workshop, students will have an opportunity to discuss and complete an action plan.

You will receive a full set of course notes
and all supporting materials for your course.

Hard Copy Delivered to your premises or Downloaded to a chosen device.

To book this course please call 
+44 (0) 1444 410296 or email