XML for Web Service Testers

Duration: 2 Days

How can I attend my course?

On-line from
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training facility

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your premises

Target Audience

Those who need to understand the use of XML in Web service communication to facilitate testing.

Course Content

Web Service Introduction

• The role of service
• Web service operation
• Enabling technologies

Introduction to XML

• Elements
• Attributes
• Prolog
• CDATA / Entity
• Well-formed / Valid
• Namespaces
• SOAP Messages

XML Schema concepts

• The purpose of schema
• Defining element content
• Simple Types
• Complex Types
• Reusable Schema


• The role of WSDL
• Navigating a WSDL document
• Generating test data from WSDL
• The WS-I Basic Profile for interoperability

Web Service Testing Techniques

• Options for testing
• Manual testing techniques
• Automating tests
• Load testing

Hands-On Exercises

• Identifying issues with an existing XML file
• Creating a simple XML file
• Build a basic XML schema
• Resolving schema validation issues
• Identifying service functionality from a WSDL document
• Service testing with XML Spy
• Introducing SOAP-UI
• SOAP-UI advanced features
• Load testing with Jmeter
• Practical Service Testing

You will receive a full set of course notes
and all supporting materials for your course.

Hard Copy Delivered to your premises or Downloaded to a chosen device.

To book this course please call 
+44 (0) 1444 410296 or email Info@kplknowledge.co.uk