Introduction to Software Development with Java

Duration: 5 Days

Course Overview

Duration: 5 Days

This 5 day course is for people with little or no previous programming experience who want to become Java developers. The principles of software development are described and different programming languages are compared.
The course introduces Java programming basics at a sufficient level to enable a simple console based Java application to be written.

How can I attend my course?

On-line from
your chosen location

At our dedicated
training facility

On-site at
your premises

Course Content

Introduction To Computers

• Introductions
• History of computers
• What is a computer?
• Overview of computer hardware
• Exercise: How many computers do I own?

Introduction to Programming

• The evolution of programming languages
• Compiled versus interpreted languages
• Procedural versus object oriented programming
• Logical constructs: sequential, branching and looping
• Iteration versus recursion
• Pseudo code and algorithms
• Exercise: Implement a programming solution in pseudo code

Memory Management

• Constants, variables and references
• Data types and memory allocation requirements
• How big is an integer of a floating point number?
• Memory allocation, deallocation and garbage collection
• Pointer, benefits and pitfalls
• Strings, string manipulation and efficiency considerations
• Exercise: Choose the best data type to store different types of information

Java and IDEs

• History of Java
• Java Virtual Machine
• Command line tools
• Java files and directory structures
• Java environment and CLASSPATH
• Eclipse IDE
• A first Java class
• Exercise: Install Java SDK 8, Eclipse Luna and write and run a first Java class

Java Programming

• Comments
• Packages and classes
• Attributes and methods
• The problem with main
• Operators and expressions
• Conditional and looping statements
• Console input and output
• Exercise: Implement a console application

Core Java APIs

• String manipulation and StringBuilders
• Converting between data types
• Exception handling
• Command line parameters and program termination
• Number formatting
• Arrays and collections
• Exercise: Implement a console application which produces formatted tabular output

Inheritance and Interfaces

• What is inheritance?
• When to use inheritance
• Abstract classes
• Interfaces
• Why program to interfaces?
• Exercise: Write a Java application using objects

Date and Time APis

• Date and time representation
• Timezones and daylight saving
• Date and Calendar APIs
• Java 8 java.time APIs
• Date and time formatting
• Exercise: Implement a console application to use the date and time APIs

Input and Output

• The package
• Exception handling revisited
• The Console class explained
• File input and output
• Object streaming
• Exercise: File input and output

Case Study

A hands on exercise to write a menu driven, console base Java application from scratch.  The exercise is open ended and the goal is to achieve as much functionality as possible in the time available.  The instructor will monitor each delegate’s progress during the exercise and optionally provide feedback


• Text

You will receive a full set of course notes
and all supporting materials for your course.

Hard Copy Delivered to your premises or Downloaded to a chosen device.

To book this course please call 
+44 (0) 1444 410296 or email