Hadoop for Java Developers 

Duration: 3 Days

Course Overview

This 3 day course is suitable for Java developers who wish to develop big data processing applicatiions using Hadoop. It shows how to use the Hadoop API to generate custo Map/Reduce applications. The course is hands on and you will set up Hadoop and write Hadoop Map reduce applications in Java. Some Java programming experience is assumed.

How can I attend my course?

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training facility

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your premises

Course Content

Big Data and Hadoop

• What is big data?
• What is Hadoop
• Hadoop versus relational databases
• Writing map reduce scripts
• Hadoop streaming
• Installing and configuring Hadoop

Hadoop API

• Hadoop API
• Introduction to the Hadoop API
• Setting up the Eclipse IDE for Hadoop
• Mappers
• Reducers
• Drivers
• Using Tool Runner

Hadoop Ecosystem

• The Hadoop Ecosystem components
• Overview of Pig
• Overview of Hive
• Overview of Impala
• Overview of Oozie
• Overview of Sqoop

Unit Testing Map Reduce Applications

• Overview of TDD
• JUnit
• MRUnit
• Unit Testing Mappers
• Unit Testing Reducers
• Logging

Advanced API Programming

• API library of mappers and reducers
• Counters
• Set up and tear down
• Combiners
• Partitioners
• Map only jobs
• Accessing HDFS programmatically

You will receive a full set of course notes
and all supporting materials for your course.

Hard Copy Delivered to your premises or Downloaded to a chosen device.

To book this course please call 
+44 (0) 1444 410296 or email Info@kplknowledge.co.uk