Data Visualisation and Storytelling

Duration: 1 Day

How can I attend my course?

On-line from
your chosen location

At our dedicated
training facility

On-site at
your premises


· Brainstorming/group discussion
· Correction of poor presentations (by finding the errors, they will discover the best practices)
· Videos
· Games (QCM game with Kahoot)
· Relevant Case studies
· Exercises (creation of a HR presentation)

Course Content

Overview of the kinds of charts : which one for which situation ?

• Histogramms
• Lines
• Scatter Diagramm
• Pie
• Box plot
• Pareto

Charts and neuroscience

• Colours
• Shades
• Fonts
• 3D

PowerPoint rules

• Animations
• Transitions
• Fonts
• Colours
• Tips to make the presentation fascinating


• Plot
• Suspense
• Story construction

Human memory

• Information channels
• Tips for increasing information retention
• The amount of information a student can remember

You will receive a full set of course notes
and all supporting materials for your course.

Hard Copy Delivered to your premises or Downloaded to a chosen device.

Download a
Course Outline PDF

You will receive a full set of course notes and all supporting materials for your course.
Hard Copy Delivered to your premises or Downloaded to a chosen device.

To book this course please call 
+44 (0) 1444 410296 or email