DevOps Fundamentals for Infrastructure Teams

Duration: 3 Days

Hands-On and Demo Activities:

• Virtual machines and their configuration
• Containers
• Version control: implementing branches and resolving collisions
• Configuration management: Jenkins
• Activity to begin an audit of capability maturity

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Course Content


• What is DevOps?
• Evolving versus running systems
• DevOps for Infrastructure

Characteristics of Good DevOps

• Rapid and frequent deployment
• Aligning and supporting development/test infrastructure as well as production
•Adaptive and responsive support of change
• Developers supporting operations/IT
• Operations/IT supporting development
• Infrastructure as software

Agile Practice and Scrum

• Agility in a DevOps/Infrastructure culture
• Agile principles and values
• Why agility is key to DevOps success
• The iterative incremental approach
• The Scrum Methodology

Virtual Infrastructure

• Public versus private cloud
• IaaS versus PaaS versus SaaS
• Virtualisation Hypervisors: VM-Ware, Virtual Box, Xen
• Virtualisation configuration management
• Case study: Chef

Container Technologies

• What are containers?
• Comparing containers with virtual machines
• The layered filesystem

Case study: Docker

• Docker containers and images
• Docker repositories
• Operating and supporting Docker
• Virtualised networking and storage
• Container configuration management through software

Version Control

• Why DevOps needs version control
• Version control types: locking versus collision repositories
• Distributed version control engines
• Branching and merging
• Versioning virtual infrastructure, deployment scripts and source code
• Case study: Git

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment

• The role of test automation
• Test automation in infrastructure and deployment
• Examples of test automation suites
• The build/test/deploy model for DevOps
• Gating/policies applied to version control
• Case study: Jenkins and Maven

Capability and Maturity

• A recommended route to DevOps maturity
• Measuring capability and quality
• Auditing the current capability gap and preparing a strategy

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To book this course please call 
+44 (0) 1444 410296 or email